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Regional San Recognized by National Association of Clean Water Agencies for Continued Operational Excellence

Sacramento, Calif.—The Sacramento Regional County Sanitation District (Regional San) was recognized this week by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) with a Peak Performance Award. These awards are presented to water utilities that have achieved excellence in operational performance and permit compliance. Regional San received a Gold Award, which is presented to facilities with no permit violations for the entire calendar year. This is Regional San’s second consecutive year receiving a Gold award.

“Regional San is honored to receive this distinction for a second year,” said Prabhakar Somavarapu, Regional San’s District Engineer. “The Gold Award acknowledges our ongoing commitment to environmental stewardship and demonstrates how we’re working every day to protect public health and the environment.”

Utilities recognized in the Peak Performance Awards represent the top performers in the country in terms of going above and beyond in their mission to ensure clean water for their regions.

“Our public utility members are the backbone of the communities they serve, providing safe, reliable access to clean water services day-in and day-out,” said NACWA CEO Adam Krantz. “This year has seen unprecedented challenges in the wake of the pandemic, and the Peak Performance Award winners have more than risen to the occasion.”

To learn more about Regional San, visit regionalsan.com. To learn more about NACWA and the Peak Performance Awards, visit nacwa.org.

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Regional San owns and operates the regional wastewater conveyance system and the Sacramento Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant located near Elk Grove. We provide wastewater conveyance, treatment and disposal service to about 1.6 million people throughout the Sacramento region. Learn more at regionalsan.com.

CONTACT: Sharon Sargeant, Sr. Public Information Officer 

About SacSewer


The Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) is the Sacramento region’s largest sewage collection, treatment, and resource recovery utility–providing service to more than 1.6 million people.

We are the second largest sewage collection utility in California, and we own and operate the second largest water resource recovery facility of its kind in the nation—the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility located near Elk Grove.

Learn more about SacSewer by viewing some key statistics.

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