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2023 State of the District

SacSewer’s State of the District Report is out now. The State of the District report provides our customers, partners, stakeholders, and elected officials with a recap of our most significant events and achievements from the past year and an overview of general financial and organizational information.

With the legal merger of Regional San and SacSewer now complete, we took this opportunity to combine the documents, and this reflects our first consolidated report. This State of the District Report features several QR codes showcasing videos that highlight key initiatives and an important message from Christoph.

Click here to view the 2023 State of the District Report.

About SacSewer


The Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) is the Sacramento region’s largest sewage collection, treatment, and resource recovery utility–providing service to more than 1.6 million people.

We are the second largest sewage collection utility in California, and we own and operate the second largest water resource recovery facility of its kind in the nation—the EchoWater Resource Recovery Facility located near Elk Grove.

Learn more about SacSewer by viewing some key statistics.

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