Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Projects

SacSewer is helping bring sewer service to a number of local communities in the greater Sacramento region that have long relied on septic systems to dispose of sewage. Converting from septic to sewer will not only provide more reliable sewage disposal, it will also help protect the environment from old and leaking septic systems.

To build these projects, SacSewer is tapping into both federal and State of California grant programs that pay for the construction and connection costs to convert residential properties to sewer service.


For several qualified areas, residential property owners with septic systems have been presented with a potential opportunity to convert from septic to public sewer service.


The goal of these projects is to bring reliable sewer service to the community while reducing the potential risks that aging, and in some cases failing, septic systems pose to the environment. Below are some of the key benefits of converting to sewer:

  • Offers more reliable sewage disposal and requires less maintenance
  • Saves property owners money compared to connecting later without grant funding
  • Avoids having to comply with increasingly strict regulatory requirements for septic systems
  • Removes worry about the expensive replacement or repair of old septic systems
  • Likely benefits property values, especially if a property has a non-compliant or aging septic system
  • Reduces the likelihood of groundwater and potable water well contamination, which could result in enforcement actions

Rates and Connection Costs

Residential property owners who choose to connect will pay SacSewer’s monthly rate of $56.85 once the project is complete and they start receiving sewer service. It is hoped that all construction and connection costs for eligible residential parcels will be fully covered by the State grant (and other funding sources, if necessary).

If a cost-share for residential owners is necessary, SacSewer will provide estimates of these costs prior to construction (and before owners commit to connecting). For non-residential parcels (e.g, businesses) within the project area, there may be an opportunity to connect, but owners will need to pay some or all of the connection costs.

What to Expect During Construction

Before construction, contractors will coordinate with owners to minimize potential impacts and preserve important landscaping features, whenever possible. Construction contractors will restore conditions to as good as (or better) than before. Existing septic tanks will be emptied, disabled, and filled with material to avoid reuse in the future. Septic systems will NOT be removed—they will be abandoned in place.

Property owners will be responsible for any maintenance of the new sewer and related equipment on private property. More details about construction will be provided here after the project design phase is complete.

Current Projects

Contact the Septic-to-Sewer Team


Septic-To-Sewer Contact Form

Septic-to-Sewer Conversion Contact Form

The Sacramento Area Sewer District (SacSewer) is currently working on several community septic-to-sewer conversion projects. You can use this form to submit comments or questions regarding your community’s project.

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Contact Information



If you received an interest survey in the mail, you could use this section to express your interest in connecting.

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